Is it possible that the Enfield Poltergeist was a hoax? First of all for me the events may be real or entirely psychological , but they&#...

Is it possible that the Enfield Poltergeist was a hoax?


Is it possible that the Enfield Poltergeist was a hoax?

First of all for me the events may be real or entirely psychological, but they're frightening either way. So let’s dicuss about the possible scientific explanation.

In 1980 Janet admitted to faking roughly 2 percent of the supernatural occurrences just to see if  Mr. Grosse and Mr. Playfair would catch her. And according to Janet they always did. 

Sleep paralysis - Janet felt problem in breathing when in bed

Most importantly Janet once told that “she was being stifled – somebody was putting a hand over her nose and mouth to stop her breathing” and that “there was an old man sitting on that chair”. Anybody who experienced sleep paralysis (including me) can understand the situation. Sleep paralysis cause problem in breathing and during sleep paralysis one may see halucinations. 

Similiarlty in the character of Bill Wilkins & Janet Hodgson 

Interestingly Lyon Playfair noted that Janet had a habit of suddenly changing the topic and when possessed by Bill Wilkins she had the same habit. Illusionist Milbourne Christopher thought the only spirits involved in the case were the high spirits of the girls(Bipolar disorder - rapidly changing topics while talking to someone). 

The sipirit of old man, Bill, who possessed Janet, was obsessed with periods!!

Janet’s griefing voice may be a vocal trick because when she was possessed by Billy Wilkins she used to talk about menustration. Do you think that an old man will be inteerested in talking about menustration? But a young girl? Yes.  

Seeing Ghostly faces because of Top-Down Processing 

People frequently see what they expect to see, their senses being organised and shaped by their beliefs in a process called ‘top-down processing’. In top-down processing, perceptions begin with the most general and move toward the more specific. These perceptions are heavily influenced by our expectations and prior knowledge.

Lyon Playfair said that the whole family of Peggy Hodgson was seeing visions or apparitions of faces at windows, shadowy figures on the stairs … Well that may because of ‘top-down processing’. If you still didn’t get it then watch this picture and say if their is anything unusual? Don’t scroll down please. 

Can you see a hazy picture of a woman lokking at the camera. Now you can see it. 

But before I told you that there is a weired woman you were unable to find it. 

Did you get the experience of ‘Top-down processing’?

The Voices 

In addition to that expectation can inadvertenly prime a situation’s participants. Janet once said that one night mr. Grosse said ‘All we need now is the voices to talk’. The voices obliged shortly afterwards. 

Janet May Inspired From Matthew Mannig

It seems from a torn out magazine article found in the house that Janet had probabky heard of Matthew Mannig another child-focus of poltergeist phenomena. Manning’s mother had reported that the first strange event in their house was the disappearance of a tea-pot, and it was also one of the first incident of Enfiled. 

False Memory Trigger The Movement of Furnitures 

One police officer said that she witness to move a chair. Well we know that the unreliability of eyewitnesses because of false memory. Same thing apllied for 30 other witnessess. 

Why the demonic force never touch the TV?

Even if I agree that the demonic force used to break tea-pots, window, used to move furnitures … but still why the demonic force never touch the TV? When I was the same age of Janet I knew the importance of the box in the corner in an age before smart phones & internet.

Did Janet Hodgson really levitate?

A classic photo of 11-year-old janet levitating above her bed could easily be janet jumping.

Janet’s parents were divorced and this causes a distressing phase on Janet & Margaret

At last I think that Janet & her family were going through an extended rough patch. They were feeling abandoed by their father. Because her parents were divorced (unusual in those days) and not very amicably. Mrs. Harper said that the situation with her ex-husband and his new partner “had a distressing effect on the children”. And that may lead those two bright girls to seek attention.

My research was based on internet so this article may be not 100% correct.

Thank You :)